
by Charles Weller

                   Photo: shutterstock.com


Low testosterone levels can cause numerous concerns related to overall health and well-being of individuals, men in particular. Testosterone levels decline with age, especially men who are physically inactive and with elevated levels of body fat. In recent years, a wealth of scientific studies have evaluated the effects of plants on encouraging the body’s ability to produce healthy testosterone levels.


There are specific lifestyle habits that can impact testosterone levels:

Acute Exercise

In a study, heavy resistance exercise has shown that growth hormone increased in both genders while testosterone levels increased notably in men following exercise.


Testosterone levels may decrease with chronic exposure to tobacco when smoking long-term. The effects of smoking on testosterone levels is dependent on smoking history.

Intermittent Fasting

There are different ways to intermittent fasting, but the most popular involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day then eat one big meal at night. Intermittent fasting has been shown to increase testosterone up to 180%.


Dietary interventions have been suggested as a natural method to favorably increase low levels of testosterone, with specific vitamins and nutrients playing a significant role in its production.


In a study, zinc supplementation for 6 months in marginally zinc-deficient elderly men resulted in an almost two-fold increase in serum testosterone levels. Plant-based foods high in zinc are nuts, seeds, fortified cereals, wheat germ, beans, and tofu.

Vitamin D

Studies have shown that a higher level of vitamin D was associated with higher free and total testosterone levels. Plant-based foods high in vitamin D are almonds, mushrooms, soy, and fortified orange juice.


Selenium combined with zinc has been shown to increase testosterone levels, improve sperm quality, and overall fertility health. One large Brazil nut has 254% the recommended daily allowance of selenium.

Herbal Medicine

Tongkat Ali

This root has gained popularity in the athletic community, helping to promote a boost in testosterone levels by 73%.


A Traditional Chinese herb that may restore low levels of both testosterone and thyroid hormone, bringing low levels back to their normal levels.


An Ancient Ayurvedic herb shown to significantly increase testosterone levels by 18%, while reducing fat loss and improving muscle recovery.







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Charles Weller
Charles Weller

