
by Cameron Greene

Still trying to stick to your New Year's Resolutions & Goals? Us, too! To make working out easier we've decided to put together a week worth of workouts that you can do from home with limited equipment. These workouts will get you moving, and you will definitely break a sweat.

In terms of equipment, you will need a mat for almost all of these workouts. Additional equipment like dumbells, ankle weights, etc are noted next to those specific workouts. 

Feel free to do any of these workouts on any day or to make any modifications necessary if you are pregnant or have any injuries.

Monday: Burn 1000 Calories Workout

*Repeat 3 times; 4 minute break between rounds

100 Jumping Jacks

100 Crunches

100 Squats

25 Push Ups

25 Burpees


Tuesday: The Living Room Workout

*Repeat 3 times; 4 minute break between rounds


15 Squat Jumps

5 Push Ups

25 High Knees

7 Burpees

10 Lunges

7 Squats

5 Push Ups

10 Lunges

5 Push Ups

7 Squats

15 Squat Jumps

1 Minute Wall Sit

5 Push Ups

25 High Knees


Wednesday: Walking Workout

*If walking, repeat 2 times

4 Minute Walk or Run

10 Push Ups

4 Minute Walk or Run

15 Walking Lunges

4 Minute Walk or Run

10 Tricep Dips

4 Minute Walk or Run

15 Squats

4 Minute Walk or Run

30 Second Plank


Thursday: Total Abs Workout

*Repeat 3 times; 4 minute break between rounds 

60 Second Plank

30 Jack Knives

40 Scissor Kicks

40 Bicycles

30 Supermans

30 Double Leg Lifts

30 Plank Dips

30 Reverse Crunches

30 Plank with Leg Lifts

30 Shoulder Taps

10 Elbow to Palm Planks (on each side)

40 Mountain Climbers


Friday: Full Body Workout

*Repeat 3 times; 4 minute break between rounds 

*You will need Ankle Weights, 10 lb dumbells, & 15 lb dumbells (or milk jugs)


25 Donkey Kicks (on each side; use ankle weights if you have them)

25 Fire Hydrants (on each side; use ankle weights if you have them)


20 Alternating Bicep Curls (with 10 or 15 lb dumbells)

15 Overhead Tricep Extensions (with one 15 lb dumbell)

15 Upright Rows (with 10 lb weights)


20 Deadlifts (with 15 lb dumbells)

15 Sumo Squats with one 15 lb dumbell

20 Reverse Lunges 


15 V-Ups

30 Toe Touches

15 Side Planks with Rotation (on each side)


Saturday: Low Impact Workout

Walk 4-5 miles for an active recovery day


Sunday: Tabata Workout

*45 seconds on for each exercise; 10 seconds off in between each exercise

*Repeat 3 times

Jumping Jacks (45 Seconds)

Squats  (45 Seconds)

Push Ups (45 Seconds)

Wall Sit (45 Seconds)

Mountain Climbers (45 Seconds)

Tricep Dips (45 Seconds)

Lunges (45 Seconds)

Plank (45 Seconds)

Chair Step Ups (45 Seconds)

Bicycles (45 Seconds)

Burpees (45 Seconds)

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Cameron Greene
Cameron Greene

