What you eat before and after an intense workout can have a great impact on your energy levels, recovery, and athletic performance. Baobab fruit maybe the right ingredient to add to pre and post-workout meals and snacks. Although baobab is a relatively new superfood in the western world, it’s an ancient fruit with roots from Africa, Australia, and the Middle East to serve as a vital source of nutrition. Baobab is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients to fulfill the nutritional requirements needed for optimal pre and post-workout. Eating the right balance of macronutrients and antioxidants found in baobab fruit can help speed up recovery and increase athletic endurance.
Recent research has stressed the importance of post-workout nutrition, with most studies focusing on its purpose:
Post-workout nutrition is needed to increase muscle size, boost energy levels, and repair tissue damage caused by an intense workout.
Baobab powder made from the raw pulp found in the baobab fruit. Packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C, this fruit offers a great wealth of benefits; fuels performance, supports recovery, and increase bone density and strength.
Vitamin C
Baobab has been coined to be the world’s best source of vitamin C. This essential vitamin is great for those who exercise daily, reducing the amount of oxidative damage to tissue caused by working out. Not only does vitamin C help to encourage recovery from a workout; it also promotes healthy skin, boost energy levels, and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
Fuels Workout Performance
Nutrient and antioxidant content of baobab can help increase energy levels and performance during the whole duration of a workout. vitamin C helps lower carnitine (an amino acid that’s known to break down fats into energy) promoting healthy adrenal function and managing metabolism.
Supports Recovery
Post-workout pain is a result of delayed onset muscle soreness, causing you to feel achy and tired after strenuous exercise. The high antioxidant and vitamin C content found in baobab fruit may assist in preventing aching muscles and speed up recovery.
Studies have suggested that vitamin C can improve adrenal gland function, helping the body maintain balanced cortisol levels, a hormone that can cause muscle breakdown. Vitamin C helps the body build muscle and boosts the production of collagen, a connective tissue that helps repair blood vessels, tendons, and skin.
Improve Bone Density and Strength
Baobab fruit contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, two minerals that play a crucial role in maintaining and restoring bone density and strength. In a study, 20 fruits were randomly selected to study their vitamin and mineral content. They found that 100g of baobab fruit powder had 35% calcium. Add baobab fruit powder to your diet daily to increase your calcium levels and improve bone health.
Krystal Crawford