Another Wellness Wednesday is almost in the books. How are we doing on our 2021 goals so far? Today, we are going to examine some easy wellness tips that you may or may not be doing already.
1) Chew your food: Eating fast does not help with your digestion as you don't really and truly take the time to chew or savor your food. Take smaller bites and take your time eating. You will feel much better and your body will thank you.
2) Sit down to eat: Take the time to eat and enjoy good company or your surroundings throughout the day. Eating on-the-go usually leads to eating quickly. Also eating on the couch or while you are working on your computer can often times lead to mindless eating or binge eating compared to sitting and eating at a table with no tv or computer.
3) Move throughout the day: If you sit at a desk with a computer all day, I urge you to get up and get some steps in by getting up a few times, taking the stairs if you work or live in a high rise building, or walking to lunch or walking around during your lunch break. It will help clear your mind, plus a little activity will help as well.
4) Go to bed early: You should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Unplug from social media and tv at night by reading a good book before getting in some good sleep. Often times being on our phone while you are in bed, leads to mindless scrolling on social media that prevents you from getting a good night sleep. Social media doesn't sleep--you can catch up on what's going on in the morning!
Cameron Greene