
by Charles Weller

Although many proteins are animal or dairy based, alternative, vegetable based sources of protein exist for those who follow vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise restricted diets. Some of these include pea protein, hemp protein, and even strawberry protein.

One of the best forms is a bio-fermented raw sprouted whole grain brown rice protein which combines the sprouted endosperm and the bran. Brown rice protein has a number of positive qualities- it’s hypoallergenic, retains the natural fiber and bran that we need, and is an overall convenient source of protein.

Can brown rice protein improve health and fitness?

Unlike red meat, brown rice protein is very lean and does not have a high fat content. As a food source, it promotes lean body mass and may be an effective component of a weight loss or control regime in the sense that it does not promote fat storage. It’s also important to note that protein takes a notable amount of energy to digest. A diet high in protein will cause you to burn more calories just by processing it through your body.

Brown rice protein promotes muscle recovery. When you exercise your muscles, the exertion breaks them down. Gains and growth happen later, when the muscle recovers. That’s why protein supplementation is of high interest to athletes and other active people. The amino acids in protein act like little building blocks and that help muscles recover and rebuild so that they become stronger than before.

Brown Rice Protein and Blood Sugar

Brown rice protein helps to promote balanced blood sugar. Eating food will cause the blood sugar to rise, some high glycemic index foods cause it to rise more than others. Carbohydrates and simple sugars are the worst offenders and cause blood sugar to skyrocket. Brown rice protein is a low glycemic index food and actually helps to balance out the effect that carbohydrates have on blood sugar and insulin to keep you trim and healthy.

It’s a fantastic protein source for anyone especially vegetarians and vegans. A lot of protein comes from animals, whether in the form of meat or dairy. If you follow a vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise restricted diet, it’s always helpful to find creative ways to provide your body with what it needs. Brown rice protein is a great way to give your body the protein it needs while maintaining your dietary goals.

Brown Rice Protein and Allergies

It’s a great source of protein for those with allergies. Products like milk, soy, peanut butter, and eggs are all sources of protein but those are also foods where allergies are more likely to exist. Brown rice protein provides a solution to this problem because it is hypo-allergenic, so anyone can eat it and reap the benefits.

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Charles Weller
Charles Weller

