
by Cameron Greene

Let's dive into workouts that are better when done on the beach. Since the world is starting to open back up, here are a few workouts that you can do on the beach. Choose which type of workout suits your best: full body, barefoot beach workout (cardio), or the non-stop sand bag workout (strength).

Full Body:

This is an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) workout with one minute on and one minute off.

Squat Jumps

Jumping Lunges

Pull Ups

Pulse Squats



Pulse Lunges


The Barefoot Beach Workout

Barefoot Jogging: spend 8-15 mins with a combination of slow jogging and backwards jogging

Lateral Shuffles: do 2 sets of 25 yards

High Knees: do 5 sets of 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off

Broad Jumps: 5 sets of 15 yards

Bear Crawls: 3 sets of 10 yards with both forward & backwards

Barefoot Jogging: cool down with 5-8 more minutes of jogging


Non-Stop Sand Bag Workout:

For this you will need: a duffle bag full of empty plastic bags. Fill the plastic bags with sand, tie them up, and place them in the duffle. The result is an instant, variable-weight sandbag.

Bicep Curls: 20 reps (repeat 3 times)

Squat Switch Up: Start with the sandbag on your right shoulder and your feet together. Step out to the right side and squat. Bring your legs back together, switch sandbag to the left shoulder and step out to the left side and squat. Repeat until you’ve squatted 10 times on each leg.

Around the World: Hold the bag with both hands in front of you. Bring the bag up and around your shoulders, making a circle around your head. Perform five reps in both directions. 

Double Row with Press: Total of 20 rows and 10 overhead presses

Sandbag Drag: This move will work every muscle in your body. Start with the bag a couple of feet in front of you. Get into a plank position on your palms and grab the bag with your right hand. Pull it under your hip and take two bear crawl strides back so that it’s just in front of your shoulder. Then push it forward and take another two bear-crawl strides forward. Do this back-and-forth motion until you have completed 10 with each arm

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Cameron Greene
Cameron Greene

