
by Cameron Greene

2021 is right around the corner. Some of you maybe writing down your new year's resolutions or goals. Here are some great goals to think about adding in the new year for a more healthy lifestyle:

1) Drink More Water: Studies show that people who drink 6 glasses of water a day are happier. Whether you do the gallon challenge with the gallon water bottle that tells you how many ounces to drink per hour or stick to drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day, your body will definitely thank you.


2) Get Your Steps In: Staying active can be challenging. Grab a Fitbit or Apple watch and find a buddy to compete with for a step challenge. Carve out certain days of the week to go on walks, runs, or hikes. Getting your body moving will always make you feel better.


3) Workout Often: Find a good virtual HIIT workout class, personal trainer, or hop on a Peloton a few days a week. HIIT workouts and weight training will help your body lean out quicker.


4) Eat Clean: Finding healthy recipes on Pinterest, TikTok, or Instagram. You can always find healthier alternatives to your favorite dishes here. Be sure to check out our recipes on our blog for some great ideas as well. Download apps like MyFitnessPal which will help you keep your macros and calories in check.


5) Unplug and Go to Bed Earlier: Set your phone aside, and get to bed earlier. Social media will be there tomorrow--so no need to endless scroll through your feed or stories.


6) Be Grateful: One of the ways to be happier in your daily life is to appreciate what you have around you. Start a daily gratitude journal, and write 5 things down each day that you are grateful for.


7) Incorporate Self Care Into Your Daily Routine: Make sure you are taking time for yourself to do things that you love that make you happy. Also, make sure you take time to rest when you are tired. 

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Cameron Greene
Cameron Greene

