
by Charles Weller

What You'll Need

  • 2 cups raw kale
  • 1 stalk of celery (~11-12" long)
  • 1 cup sliced cucumber
  • 1 cup diced watermelon
  • 1/2 tbsp. organic coconut oil
  • 1/4 medium lemon
  • 1 serving Pure Vanilla Superfood Protein
  • 4 oz. water
  • 1/2 cup crushed ice

This refreshingly crisp and clean superfood smoothie will have you feeling as cool as a cucumber on even the hottest days of summer.  The watermelon works to rehydrate the body while replenishing lost sugars. Be sure to prepare with juicy red chunks of a fully ripened fruit as well as the lighter colored sections closest to the rind to get the most nutrients and flavor. Kale provides a ton of antioxidants and along with the cucumber, helps to cleanse and detox the body. Just a single stalk of celery provides many anti-inflammatory benefits and helps towards fulfilling your daily fiber needs. It all comes together refreshingly delicious when blended with a serving of Pure Vanilla Superfood Protein.


Combine ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Charles Weller
Charles Weller

