
by Charles Weller

Ketogenic dieting uses your body’s own fat for fuel, but in order to keep the fat off, you need to make sure your dietary intake matches up to your fat loss goals.

If you don’t do this one thing, your weight loss progress will completely stall. Learn this simple keto hack to make sure the fat you are burning stays off your body for good…

Do you know someone who’s tried the keto diet, saw some initial weight loss, and then basically plateaued? Or has your progress stalled on your keto diet? A common mistake many people make is by consuming too many calories while trying to lose weight. In order to keep the fat off, you need to know how to properly calculate your average calorie expenditures. Simply eating a ketogenic diet is not going to cause magical weight loss. Since the keto diet is mostly fat, and fat has more than double the calories of protein or carbohydrates, it’s easy to consume too many calories.

If your goal is to burn fat and loss weight, you want to make sure you consume fewer calories than you burn. If your goal is to build muscle, then you want to eat more calories. But what’s the right amount of calories?

First, you need to determine what your energy expenditure is. A good way to do this is to start with your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and then adjust up or down for your activity level. This will give you your baseline of what your maintenance calories should be.

Second, you want to track the calories you’re currently consuming. Keep a food journal to log your meals to find out what your caloric averages are over the course of a day and/or week. If your goal is to burn fat and lose weight, make sure you maintain a caloric deficit. On the other hand, if you’re trying to build muscle, make sure you’re eating sufficient calories so that you have a calorie surplus compared to your maintenance calories.

KETO HACK: Track your calories to make sure your dietary consumption is less than your average calorie expenditures in order to lose weight.

And, if all of that sounds too confusing or complicated, simply start tracking your calories so you at least have an idea of how many calories you’re consuming. Then you can make adjustments and easily bump them up or lower them down over time.

Simply because you’re following a keto diet doesn’t mean you can endlessly consume fat sources without regard to the overall caloric content of your diet. Track your calories, and make sure you consuming the right amount for your goals to maximize your results and keep that body fat off your body for good.

To maximize fat-burning on your keto diet, check out our Keto-Approved organic plant-based performance supplements:

Charles Weller
Charles Weller


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