
by Laurice Wardini

The keto fad shows promise for weight loss, but is it healthy in the long-term? With the way many people are eating, the answer is a resounding no. Although it shows short-term results, keto can present health risks in the long run if you’re stuffing yourself with high-fat animal products. 

Many people don’t know about the hidden dangers of keto. Those who do are turning to vegan keto. We’re here to share these risks and how you can avoid them, while still following the diet!  

Why Eating Keto Can Be Bad


Long-Term Health Effects

The biggest red flag of keto is the potential long-term health risks when you don’t eat healthily. Many people eat a scary amount of high-fat animal products like cheese, bacon, butter, and so on. This promotes a much higher risk of heart disease, cancer, and other cardiovascular issues. 

This study showed that people following diets low in carbs and high in animal proteins have a higher risk of early death. They also found the opposite was true for vegan keto and carb restriction diets that picked plant-based proteins

Keto has only been a fad for a few years, so these long-term effects haven’t had a chance to show up in full force yet. 

Why Plant-Based Keto?

The long-term health risks aren’t worth it. Why damage your health and take off years of your beautiful life when you can do keto the healthy way? 

With vegan keto, weight loss results will still occur without the health risks. Plant-based keto isn’t difficult and is delicious! There are so many plant-based keto recipes and creations you can make. 

What Can You Eat on a Vegan Keto Diet?

- Tofu, tempeh, and soy curls

- Avocados

- Nuts and seeds

- Dark chocolate

- Low carb veggies like cauliflower, carrots, mushrooms, dark leafy greens, and more.

- Low carb sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit

- Sugar-free plant milks


Need a few plant-based keto recipe ideas? We love carrot hot dogs, veggie-based noodles, cauliflower rice, veggie bowls, cauliflower crust pizza, coconut bacon, lettuce wraps, mushroom-based meats, cauliflower mashed potatoes, sushi with cauliflower rice, avocado brownies sweetened with stevia, and so on. 

You can find a vegan keto book full of delicious recipes, or simply look on Pinterest. 

Don’t forget your favorite herbs and seasonings to spice up your meals! You can even throw a plant-based keto protein powder in a recipe for a boost of protein.

Getting Your Nutrients with a Vegan Keto Supplement 

A common issue with plant-based diets is nutrient deficiencies (let’s be honest though, this is possible for any diet if you’re not eating healthy). Protein is one common deficiency. 

It can be difficult to eat huge plates of vegetables and tofu for every meal, especially for a new vegan. To make it easy, we recommend a keto protein powder!  

The 100% vegan Keto Fit® Protein Powder from Ground Based Nutrition is designed to help you stay in ketosis. It contains 70% calories from fat, 25% calories from protein, and less than 5% calories from carbohydrates with 0 net carbs! 

Fats are derived from MCTs high in caprylic acid, coconut oil, and avocado oil rather than dangerous animal sources. 

One serving also contains 20% of your daily iron needs, which is another of the hardest nutrients to get with a vegan diet. The powder also tastes delicious because it’s sweetened with 0 calorie sweeteners stevia and monk fruit extract! 

Is the Keto Diet Safe?

Overall, the keto diet can be safe and healthy as long as you eat the right way. This goes for any diet – it’s all about the choices you make and if you truly desire to avoid long-term health risks. Vegan keto is simple and is just as effective for the short-term weight loss results you want.

If you want the fat-burning benefits of keto without compromising your health in the process, we encourage you to give plant-based keto a try today.

Laurice Wardini
Laurice Wardini


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