With so many protein powders on the market, there’s no reason not to be picky. There are plenty of options on the market with low-quality ingredients and unhealthy added sugars to stay clear of. In this article, we’ll be sharing important qualities that you should always look for in a high-quality protein powder.
The basis of any protein powder should be made with organic, non-GMO ingredients. This ensures you’re consuming the healthiest possible options (not to mention avoiding harmful pesticides).
This holds even more true for plant-based protein because they’re often sourced from vegetables, seeds, and other foods that are naturally grown. For example, hemp plants are very sensitive to pesticides and the plants will soak up the soil around it. If the soil is filled with pesticides and heavy metals, this is what you’ll be consuming in your protein powder.
When comparing whey versus plant-based protein, there are many perks to protein sourced from plants. For example, it’s estimated that 65% of the world has some form of lactose intolerance. Many people don’t even realize it! However, they find that they feel amazing after switching from milk-based protein powders. Plant-based protein is just as effective for muscle building and most people don’t even notice a taste difference. Plus, you’ll notice a huge boost in energy.
You’d be surprised if you looked at labels for many of the leading protein powder brands. Some contain up to 20g of added sugar per serving! This is definitely something you’ll want to avoid when getting fit.
You don’t have to sacrifice taste either – try a protein powder made with a natural, 0-calorie sweetener such as stevia and/or monk fruit.
Why avoid sugar?
Sugars are a terrible additive to protein powders and any other foods. Not only do they spike your blood sugar, consuming added sugars makes it much more difficult to lose stubborn areas of fat (like in the belly). On the other hand, stevia and monk fruit are 0-calorie and don’t cause these issues.
Some protein powders rip you off when it comes to protein per serving. This is why it’s important to always check the labels and see how much protein comes in each serving.
Typically, 20g of protein is the ideal dosage. Also, make sure to check the number of servings per container to ensure it’s a good deal!
Organic superfood protein powder has even more nutritional benefits than a typical protein powder. Ground Based Nutrition’s superfood protein contains a blend of plant-based proteins, greens, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. This provides added supplements to your diet.
You could get a plain protein powder that only contains protein. But why stop there? These added vegetables and superfoods help you reach daily nutritional goals that you might not have reached otherwise.
Overall, there are many qualities about protein powder that you should look out for if you want top of the line quality. Even when being picky, you don’t have to spend a premium – many of these higher quality protein powders are within the same price range! Ground Based Nutrition’s organic protein made from superfoods has all of these qualities and more. It’s made from whole foods and is perfect for smoothies, or any other recipe you’d like to craft up with it.
Laurice Wardini