It’s a simple but often overlooked fact – our bodies need iron! It is a mineral that is a part of our cells, and is an integral part of proper cellular function.
Specifically, iron – as part of the protein hemoglobin – carries oxygen from our lungs throughout our bodies. Iron helps our muscles store and use oxygen, and is also a part of particular enzymes that help our bodies digest foods, as well as help with many other important reactions that occur within our bodies.
Therefore, when our bodies don’t have enough iron, there are many parts and processes within our bodies that are affected. You may find yourself feeling extraordinarily tired or winded after doing seemingly simple tasks. You may also feel cold when others are comfortable or warm, or feel exhausted even after getting a solid night’s sleep.
Iron deficiency – also know as anemia – quite simply is a condition that results when there is too little iron in the body. It is one of the the most common nutritional deficiencies and can have a wide variety of health consequences:
There are many causes of iron deficiency, specifically diet. However, because blood loss can be a contributing factor of an increase in iron needs, among those that are at high risk are adolescent and young adult females. An increase in the physical demand for iron in females and a corresponding lack of proper intake can lead to fatigue and weakness, as well as impeded physical performance. Furthermore, memory and mental functions can be affected by low levels of iron, leading to poor performance at school and work. For someone looking to perform and function optimally, ensuring that a diet that has the proper amount of iron is very important.
To prevent iron deficiency and often to treat it, having a diet with iron-rich foods is important. Lean red meats, poultry, and fish are recommended sources of iron since the body can absorb iron in these foods (heme iron) readily. However, that does not mean it is necessary to eat those types of foods. For those that follow a diet that is vegetarian or mostly plant-based, eating foods with vitamin C at the same time helps the body to absorb the non-heme iron supplied by certain plants and plant-based foods.
Some of the foods that are highest on this list are various beans, whole grains, and green vegetables. However, at this busy day in age, getting your nutrients from fresh food is not always possible at every meal. That is why supplements can be highly beneficial.
According to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), women between the ages of 19 and 50 years of age require at least 18 mg or iron per day. In addition to being delicious, Ground-Based Nutrition’s Superfood Protein Smoothie contains 6 mg of iron and 5 mg of vitamin C (Vanilla Crème) and 14 mg of iron and 5 mg of vitamin C (Milk Chocolate). Checking out the label on many the back of many other protein powders, one will often find that neither iron nor calcium is included.
Be sure to add Ground-Based Superfood Protein Smoothie to prevent an iron deficiency in your diet.
Ground-Based Nutrition never uses artificial sweeteners, colors, dye, additives, or other synthetic chemicals. Superfood Protein Smoothie is vegan friendly, gluten free, soy free, and dairy free.
Charles Weller