
by Charles Weller

While transitioning from a traditional diet to a keto diet, there is one supplement you can use to speed up your adaptation process and give you more energy.

The supplement is beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) which will give your body an instant supply of ketones for immediate energy. Learn this keto hack on the best ways to take exogenous ketones for maximum fat burning…

Consuming exogenous ketones is like a shortcut to getting into ketosis.   Beta-hydroxbutyrate (BHB) is the active form of ketones that flow freely in the blood and are easily used by your body for fuel.   When starting a ketogenic diet, taking a ketone supplement will drastically help during the initial phases of your ketogenic journey because you are signaling your body to start using ketones for energy instead of glucose.

KETO HACK: Use exogenous ketones to enter ketosis quicker when doing a keto diet or use to boost your body’s ability to burn ketones (and fat) as energy.

There are two main types of exogenous ketones: ketone esters and ketone salts. Ketone esters are the raw ketone that is not bound to any other compound. These exogenous ketones can be utilized a little quicker, but they taste pretty horrible. Ketone salts, on the other hand, are the more common ketone supplements on the market today. While they may not raise ketone levels to such a high amount like true ketone esters, the taste is much better and they work fairly well.

Exogenous ketones provide numerous benefits from more energy, better mental clarity, less inflammation, and enhanced cognitive focus.   Many people use exogenous ketones for fat burning. Taking exogenous ketones doesn’t make you magically burn fat, however, it does get your body into ketosis quickly. When you’re done using the exogenous ketones as fuel, your body will start asking for other places to get ketones from. This is when you start burning your own fat for fuel.

Another good use for exogenous ketones is when you want to get back into ketosis quickly. If you get kicked out of ketosis by eating too many carbohydrates, you can use exogenous ketones to ramp your body back into ketosis effortlessly. This is much easier than eating a very low carb diet for several days. This also makes it so you don’t have to go through the “keto flu” phase as part of your keto-adaptation.

In sum, exogenous ketones are a great tool in your supplement arsenal to get the most out of your keto diet and keep burning that fat for fuel.

To maximize fat-burning on your keto diet, check out our Keto-Approved organic plant-based performance supplements:

Charles Weller
Charles Weller


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